Aparently the wheels I have now been supplied from Spinergy via my wheelcahir supplier are non faulty types with reinforced hubs ... well see chaps won't we? The average length of life of a wheelchair is meant to be 3 years, so I'll have plenty of time to find out! Forgive me if I seem a tad cynical, but this new chair does seem to be a bit of a lemon, I'm hoping I have had all the teething problems in the first two months and it will be plain sailing from here on in.
The problem is, when a wheelchair fails, especially away from home, one is left up the creek without a paddle, or in this recent case, in the gutter in a dark street, miles from home on a Saturday night!
1 comment:
My fingers are crossed for no further problems! Many thanks to the police and train staff for saving the both of you from harms way!
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