Thursday, 6 December 2007

I am trying to decide what I think about days!

November 14th was World Diabetes Day, December 1st was World Aids Day and December 3rd was the UN International Day of Disabled Persons. The first two days were covered very well in the news and it is easy to see how the causes can benefit from the coverage, and really raise awareness, but with the IDDP not many people knew about it ... I didn't see any mention on the news and only when I googled it I learned about events taking place, mostly seminars and so on.
This year for World Diabetes Day, monuments all round the world were lit up in the blue colour associated with the organisation, I was lucky enough to be in London and see the London Eye lit in blue for the event and also to see the awareness messages projected onto The Shell Centre on The South Bank. In my hobby of geocaching there was even a special Diabetes awareness geocoin minted and distributed to geocachers to travel with the message all around the world.

On World Aids Day many performers and celebrities on television wore the red ribbons associated with the aids awareness campaign too.

It seems there were quite a number of events worldwide for IDDP, which was set up by the UN in 1992 to raise awareness of the rights of people with disabilities at both national and international levels. Handicap International give a good resume of what the day is all about. It's a sobering thought that The World Health Organisation have stated that about 10% of the worlds population are disabled and of them 80% live in developing countries.

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