Friday, 7 December 2007

Our 7th Anniversary!

Today, Caesar and I are celebrating our 7th anniversary together as a partnership ... it doesn't seem like half that time at all!

When I look back now at how we both were the day we met, we've both come a looooooong way!

This afternoon I made dog biscuits and Caesar enjoyed eating them. I tried one, it's still repeating on me now, hours later!

We've had seven fantastic years together and I hope we'll have many, many more.


JillandUriah said...

Big Congrats on celebrating seven wonderful years together! What a ride it has been. My hope for both of you is that you will have many more years together. I know you both are grateful for each moment you do have with each other. Hail Caesar! Hail Wendy! May you be blessed with long lives together! Keep on celebrating your partnership everyday! Golden Wags forever! Jill & Uriah

Tanya said...

Sorry for the delay in wishing you a happy anniversary!

Happy Anniversary!

Many happy years of partnership to come!

Love and hugs, Tanya & Brooke