Wednesday 16 April 2008

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

Well, we have finally caught up with ourselves after all the excitement of Torch Relay weekend!

A couple of days ago I did another radio interview; but it was so early in the morning, Caesar slept though it all! Funnily enough, the interviewer asked if I would do it again, and although I don't think the opportunity is likely to come my way again, I had no hesitation in saying yes.

Ironically, because the relay was rerouted, and we ran a leg across London Bridge which had no demonstrators, the footage may have been seen in China. I have had a few emails from around the world from people who saw it. I hope that our participation has sent a message that not only are people with disabilities included in our society, so are their assistance dogs!

Here's some footage of our leg of the Olympic Torch Relay!


Anonymous said...

Does that dog look distressed at all to you?
Not likely he is trotting along looking around him and to his mam, his tail is waggling and waggling its just like a stroll out for him, he looks a picture of health and happiness to me.

Mandy x

Anonymous said...

Aw, what a superb account of your run ... do you call it that, or roll? LOL

I thought Ceaser looked fantastic, so cool and calm, nothing seems to phase that boy! He does you proud and I am delighted they managed to find a way for you to take part.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful footage! I am so happy to be able to see both you and Caesar take part in this honored event! We are very proud of you both! Congratulations again!

Successful wishes to all of the Olympians as well!